Big Data in the call center is nothing new. In fact, it’s been around since the 1960s. So, what’s triggering the resurgence of this term? In this blog we’ll take a more in-depth look at 5 ways big data is (and has been) impacting the call center.

There’s no doubt you’ve heard the term before, but do you really know what it means? SAS defines big data as, “a term that describes the large volume of data – both structured and unstructured – that inundates a business on a day-to-day basis. But it’s not the amount of data that’s important. It’s what organizations do with the data that matters. Big data can be analyzed for insights that lead to better decisions and strategic business moves.”

So, while the concept of big data in the call center may not be new, the term is. And with advances in today’s technology, it’s leveraging a whole new approach to customer experience. From giving you the ability to provide complete answers before you have complete information, to analyzing CRM trends, big data in the call center (paired with IoT and machine learning, especially) allows you to gather information on customers, products and performance to advance your overall business.

With that in mind, here are the 5 biggest ways big data is making an impact.

#1 Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics are invaluable in the call center. Not only does this feature take records such as call volume, service level, handle time and customer satisfaction, but it takes that information and applies it to help solve future problems. Predictive analytics can detect when a caller is upset or angry and therefore provide insight into the best way to handle the call. As with any call center interaction, the goal is to uphold top of the line customer satisfaction. By having access to this information, agents can put their best foot forward and prepare a solution that is most pleasing to the customer during future encounters.

#2 NLP

NLP, or Natural Language Processing, improves customer experience by allowing callers to speak in context rather than pre-defined choices. We’ve likely all experienced a time when we were stuck going back and forth with IVR (interactive voice response) asking us to press 2 for more options (which then ends up spiraling into an endless pit of pushing numbers until we can actually talk to a human). Thanks to the help of big data in the call center, NLP allows us to avoid that process altogether and instead get the answer we’re looking for within the first interaction.

#3. Call Recording

Similar to predictive analytics, big data in the call center continues to leverage call recordings in the contact center. While call recordings may seem like something that is simply used to gauge customer satisfaction after a call, big data allows it to be used for much more. Both call recording and speech recognition allow for information, such as a customer’s tone or how many times they’ve called, to be recognized. By monitoring these details, call centers are able to analyze any repetitive complaints, issues or trends that clients may be experiencing and then fix them.

#4. Improve CRM

At the heart of every good call center is its CRM (customer management system). CRM plays a significant role in funneling customer experience and sales. Thanks to the help of big data in the call center, CRMs are able to work hand-in-hand with predictive analytics, NLP and call recording to create the optimal experience customers are looking for. One example of a CRM’s benefit is its ability to route calls to the appropriate representative based on expertise. Not only does this save the customer’s time but it also saves you time and allows you to focus on improving business goals. CRMs are expected to rely heavily on predictive analytics in the coming years as their value continues to grow and big data evolves.

#5 Identifying Cross-Channel Analytics

A vital factor of any call center is the ability to identify which channels customers are using, and favoring, at any given moment. With the help of big data, call centers are given the ability to access this information and tailor their service to customer preferences. By giving agents access to this information at the touch of a button, call centers are able to create a personalized experience for the caller. This cross-channel data is something that can be shared throughout the company and, in return, will help provide a seamless customer experience for years to come.


While big data in the call center has been around for decades, combining it with today’s technological advances – such as predictive analytics, NLP, call recording and cross-channel analytics – has opened the door to new and unique customer experiences and greater satisfaction. As technology continues to improve, big data in the call center will lead the way for continuous growth.

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